Posts Tagged ‘coal’

History of the Bowen – Collinsville Railway

Monday, April 19th, 2010

(By Miss Norma Moller)

(Prepared by Norma Moller for the Bowen Historical Society)

In 1866, Richard Daintree, geologist, inspected what came to be known as the Bowen River Coalfield. He wrote on 10th February that year to a friend who at that time was very interested in the geology of the Hunter River Coalfield, that fossil ferns he had found overlying the Bowen River field indicated that they were from the Paleozoic Age, making them similar to those of the Hunter River area.

Daintree’s report, which was dated 24th March, 1866, stated that he had seen sufficient evidence to satisfy himself that the Bowen River Coalfield is of great extent and contains numerous seams of coal whose numbers, thickness and economical value might readily be ascertained by some extended research”.

Later that same year, Daintree was appointed Government Geologist for North Queensland. In 1870, he inspected the Bowen River Coalfield very thoroughly and in 1872, he issued the first map of it. At the same time he published descriptions of coal-bearing sections along Pelican Creek and the Bowen River. Later, he published a book showing a wood engraving of a Queensland, Australia coal seam cropping out at the base of a sandstone cliff on Pelican Creek, a tributary fo the Bowen River, and this is almost certainly the first picture of the Collinsville Coalfield.

Subscription List

In 1875, the Bowen Provincial Association opened a subscription list for contributions towards the expenses of obtaining coal samples and forwarding them to England for analysis. It was hoped that successful testing there would lead to the establishment of a Coal and Railway company to secure a concession from the Queensland government and proved railway communication with the port to develop the coalfield of Bowen. There seems to have been some response almost immediately for in Parliament in 1877, a special vote was made to enable an examination of the Bowen to Bowen River area with a view to building a railway. It was found that there was two ranges to cross and, as no precise terminus was indicated by the people of Bowen calling for the railway, it was decided to make towards Bowen Downs.

Railway Survey

The Minister of Railways said in Parliament that his Commissioner had reported that he feature the mineral resources of the district anywhere within reasonable distance of the route would not warrant any costly departure. In 1878, the survey began. It was completed to 55 miles. It was discovered that there was plenty of ballast available but no bridge timber. The line was to commence near the Bowen jetty and avoid town property as much as possible. Bridges would be necessary at the Don River, Euri Creek, Bogie River and the Bowen River. The Leichhardt Range would be quite an obstacle. The surveyor suggested that the tableland could best be reached by following the Burdekin River which burst through the Leichhardt Range by an until-that-time unexplored but enormous ravine where the river descends by a series of rapids. By 30th July, 1879, plans as a result of the trial survey, Bowen to Leichhardt Range, as it was then referred to, were forwarded to the Minister for Railways.

In 1884, an exploration survey from Bowen to the coalfield at the foot of the Leichhardt Range reported that several good range crossings would be needed. It further reported that the line to the coalfield would be about 60 miles long and that parliamentary plans were being prepared for the building of the proposed railway. Mr. Ellis W. Lymburner explored the line proposed to the bowen coalfield and after finding gaps in the Leichhardt Range, proceeded to make a 40 mile trial survey. Later, in 1885 the trial survey from the 40 mile point to the 53½ point was completed and at the 53½ mile point a nine mile branch line was surveyed to the coal borings then being made at Pelican Creek.

You will notice that these far-sighted man were still intending to build their railway to Bowen Downs with only a branch line to the coal areas near the Leichhardt Range. In 1886, the Railway Department ordered from overseas 60 miles of 41¼ pound rail, so the railway was progressing quite satisfactorily. However, although Mr. Miles whom, I presume, was a spokesman for the Railway Department, had reported that borings on the Bowen coalfield had shown a six-foot seam at a depth of 71 feet, and only a wait for the result of further test bores was holding up the building of the railway, the following year the money voted for the building of the railway was diverted by the Railway Department to the Bowen to Townsville line instead. Mr. Dickson reported this fact when questioned in the Legislative Assembly on 8th November, 1887.

Nowe, in the official history of the line, nothing more is mentioned about this railway until 1922, but let us look back to the activity in the Bowen Coalfield area. In 1875 the Bowen Provincial Association opened a subscription list to raise money to pay the expenses of obtaining coal samples from the Bowen River and forwarding them to England for analysis. Later, in the same year, the Bowen River Coalfield Association was formed to investigate the field between Havilah Station and Jack’s Creek. It was hoped to form a company, the Coal and Railway Company, in England following successful testing of the samples. At the same time, samples were forwarded to Rockhampton for testing at the gas works and eighteen bags of Bowen River coal were sent to Sydney for testing there.

Jack Impressed

At the end of 1873, Robert Jack, the Government Geologist made a new report on the Bowen River Coalfield. He pointed out that the field extended from the heads of the Dawson River to the latitude of Bowen and that the formation approached the coast at the Northern end, which happend to lie conveniently near the township of Bowen and the harbour of Port Denison, and so presented itself as the place where the question of the usefulness of the store of “fossil” fuel should first be put to the test. Robert Jack was very impressed with the potential of the field and compared it to the New South Wales coal measures. Then, in 1885, the Government bores revealed the intrusion of igneous sills.

Money Diverted

A bore had been sunk by the Government at a site near Pelican Creek some 4½ miles north-easterly of Birralee Station. The Garrick seam was mat at 71 to 76 feet and two lower seams were penetrated before boring ceased in igneous rock at 390 feet. All were intruded with igneous sills. The drill then moved to a site near Havilah Station and in 1886 a bore was put down in the Upper Coal Measure. These were found to be intensely intruded with igneous sills, so the bore was completed to 340 feet. This boring was done by Mr. S. L. Hester and his gang. Hester spent almost a year on his drilling programme and was then withdrawn to Ipswich. So borings for coal at the Bowen River Coalfield were abandoned in 1886 without a definite conclusion as to the quality of the coal. Hence, money was diverted from the Bowen-Collinsville line to the Bowen-Townsville railway line.

Private Testing

Because of the disappointing results of these investigations, Government interest in the coalfield waned until 1912 when Mr. R. Dunstan, Government Geologist examined portion of the field following a request for government assistance to sink deep bores. He formed the opinion that the best way of opening the field was by private company and he recommended a subsidy for prospecting the Gerrick Seam on the banks of Pelican Creek. the Bowen River Coal Prospecting Syndicate was formed and held its first share-holders’ meeting in Bowen on 1st February, 1913. Its directors were P. E. Hodge, C. J. Marshall, J. Dinsdale, W. H. Flamstead and P. Walsh, with J. Pares as secretary. A subsidy of £300 was later paid on a pound for pound basis. Although companies were formed, samples of coal displayed and tested in both Australia and overseas, tests made at Merinda Meatworks, Pioneer Sugar Mill at Ayr, Bowen-Proserpine Tramway and a great excitement prevailed following success of these tests, there was no success in their agitation for a railway. All these samples were sent to Bowen by teams. In July, 1913, Mr. Guild, the carrier, brought 3 tons to Bowen, Mr. Lync, 7 tons; and Mr. Callaghan, 4 tons. Nine tons of this were delivered to the Merinda Meatworks, 5 tons to the Bowen-Proserpine Tramway.

Railway Need

Great excitement prevailed in the towen of Bowen. A deputation was received by Mr. W. H. Barnes, the State Treasurer, while visiting Bowen, from the Progressive League concerning the opening of a railway to the field.

For almost eighteen months little was done or reported and many people, especially business people of Bowen were worried that the earlier glowing reports of the new coalfield would wither for lack of government financial help vital to a new industry. Perhaps, too, the outbreak of the Great World War drew men’s minds to more important matters.

However, in December, 1915, Colonel Evans, Commissioner for Railways recommended to the government that a new railway be built between the Bowen River Coalfield and the port of Bowen. The Great Northern Railway at this time was using 35,200 tons of coal annually. Coal for the sugar mills, gas works, meatworks, and mines had to be imported at high cost. It was hoped that the new field at the Bowen River would not only be able to supply much cheaper coal for Northern use but would find a market for bunkers and export.

Hope Rises

In 1916, in February, Surveyor Kellar and his staff carried out yet another survey of the route and another wave of hope swept through the district, in April the Minister for Railways visited Bowen and was the recipient of many deputations for the commencement of the railway from Merinda to the coalfield.

A month later, on a visit to Bowen, the acting Premier, Mr. E. G. Theodore, accompnaied by Messrs. McCormack, Ryan, Collins, and Dr. Gibson promised a very early appropriation of the railway if at all possible. {mospagebreak}

The Line Is Built

In the same month, a parcel of 10 tons of coal was tested on the railway between Roma Street and Toowoomba with first rate results. The Queensland budget in July, 1916, included provision of funds for the construction of the railway line.

The first day of August, 1916, heralded the end of 44 years of talking, waiting and planning for the new line. Mr. Sterling, the engineer in charge, arrived in Bowen and the first labour was recruited. Some of the first appointments went to Bert Meyes as timber inspector and also in charge of bridge building and to Earnie Jewell as time keeper. The camp was setup at Euri Creek and the first sawmill was built opposite Arthur Gordon’s property at the 8-mile. Watty Callaghan became the first timber contractor, carting as well as cutting. Bill Gralton and Jack Quinn were the contractors who cut for him. Among others who cut and laid sleepers for the line as far as Binbee were Jim Ellis, Peter Fogarty, Arthur Kershaw and Arthur Burbridge. The job was not lucrative, the cost per sleeper was 4s, 3d., of which 2s, 3d. went to the carter and 2s. to the cutter. On 26th March, 1917, the Minister for Railways, the Hon. J. H. Coyne, turned the first sod of the railway at Merinda in the presence of a large crowd of Bowen residents.

Birth of Bowen Consolidated

Within a few weeks the private companies who had done such valuable early work, namely, the Brisbane-Bowen Coal Company Limited, the Towers-Bowen Coal Company Limited, the Bowen Coal and Coke Company Limited, and the Bowen Coalfield Syndicate, decided on amalgamation. The new company was called the Bowen Consolidated Coal Mines Limited with a nominal capital of 125,000 one-pound shares, including 25,000 fully paid up shares diveded between the former companies and 50,000 being offered for public subscription was formed. By 1917, a total of 30 bores had been sunk for the government boring teams. It was estimated that reserves in the Bowen area with a minumum thickness of of 13 feet were 30 million tons of available coal. The site for the State Coal Mines was selected in 1918 about one mile beyond the terminus of the surveyed railway. Abnormal rains delyed the start, but in March 1919 actual operations began. Work was directed to prived an output as soon as the railway was completed which by the end of 1919 had been constructed for a distance of 20 miles from Merinda as far as Euri Creek. Work had been delayed by a shortage of cement and a shipping strike. The line progressed but difficulties were encountered in the building of a bridge over Euri Creek and this was not completed until much later and Euri Creek was the end of the line for some time.

Jaraga Pub

The saw mill was shifted to the 14 Mile Creek and the siding of 19 Mile (Jaraga) was a large camp which has remained a siding on the line. Mrs. Martin Terney, whose husband was the licensee of the Merinda Hotel setup up a pub two miles below Jaragawhich naturally became the centre of leisure hours activity for the gangs and the contractors.

As the line approached Binbee, Albert Anderson became the timber contractor and had Bill Gralton and Jack Quinn cutting for him. Later the roles were reversed when Quinn took over mill was shifted to the 25 Mile and a large permanent camp was established at the foot of the range. Here there was a school run by Miss Grieves, and a church service was held every Sunday in the school building. Jack and Tom Thorne had a slaughter yard on the top of the range and supplied the camp with fresh meat. Mrs. Doherty had the ranch and there was a government store, a baker’s shop and a butcher’s shop managed first byMr. Condon and later by Mr. Tom Walsh. Soon afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Andy Dunlop moved there from their pub in Mareeba and started a general store with a billiard room and room for boarders.

A man of many talents was Mr. Jack Carmody, who, as well as being time keeper was excellent at billiards and used to disappear after church every Sunday to the two-up school down the creek. {mospagebreak}

Football On The Line

The days of the horse teams were nearing their end, and this was the last job for many of the carters, who included some of the best known names of the Northern bush. When the railway had reached the 25 Mile, the stockpile of coal at the state mine was about 3,000 tons.

Again the camp moved along the line, this time stopping at the 38 Mile, Little Blue Rock, and here the first football match was held between the men on the gangs, bridge teams, carters, and miners. The referee, Mr. Curley Pye (a Bowen man doing plumbing work at the State Mine) used a small horse bell because there was no whistle. Another large camp was then established at the 42 Mile which was the end of the line for some time.

Difficult Terrain

The building of the railway was a long and difficult job because of the terrain. The forty-eight miles were a succession of creeks and ridges and gullies and of course, the range. The bridges were long jobs. All the timber form them was cut by broad-axe, under the inspection of Bert Mayes. The range and smaller hills had to be cut through by blasting, with the debris then to be shovelled into horse drawn drays and carted away to be used as filling.

Tall Policeman

The policeman who moved with the gangs all the way along the line was Mr. Andy Cummings. He was the the tallest main in the history of the Queensland Police Force standing 6ft. 7in. in his socks. He was a popular man even though he had to keep law and order among a group of men in a difficult environment. When he got on a troop horse his feet would be almost on the ground. The men arrested by him along the line were mostly charged with being drunk and disorderly, or creating a disturbance. If they decided to appear after being released on bail they would be required to appear at Bowen, as the Court of Petty Sessions was there. However, they usually forfeited their bail. It would have been too much for the Police Magistrate to have had to come up from Bowen. {mospagebreak}

The Trains Run

On the 4th September, 1922, the headlines of “North Queensland Register” ran: Bowen Coalfields Railway. The first through coal train – probably Monday next. Under this article it announced that the General Manager of the Northern Division Railways (Mr. A. J. Crowther) had returned to Bowen after a visit to the Bowen Coalfields, the object of his visit being to ascertain whether it would be possible to extend the line past the town itself and on to the mine. The rails at this stage were well past Collinsville and it was anticipated that the end of the week would see the rails to the mine, and the siding necessary for the loading of coal completed. The people of the town had requested that the station buildings be erected in the town so that goods which were carried to a point South of the town could be brought in. This request was met although it was estimated that it would be Christmas before the line buildings and sidings were completed. Mr. Crowther announced that with the consent of the Construction Engineer and the Government, the trains would begin running on the 31st August and a train would run to and from the field every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Mr. Crowther also annoucned that Mr. Conway, the Manager of the State Coal Mine had informed him that all the coal at the dump had been disposed of, and freshly mined coal would be available for the first train. Here the article in the Townsville paper concluded.

Significance Realised

Soon afterwards, the Brisbane paper, the “Daily Mail” printed an article about the newly opened railway along the following lins: “The significance of the opening of the railway line to Collinsville is not apparent to the casual Northerner, yet to them it means the conveying to their doors of a national industry, which promised development unparallelled in the State, and of favourable comparison with any industrial venture in the Commonwealth”. There folloed a brief recitation of facts about the discovery of the mines and the results of boring and fuel test, all of which have been mentioned.

Station Built

During October an article appeared in the “North Queensland Register” about Collinsville with a small paragraph about the line, “Morley Grey’s lifting gang of twenty men are putting the finishing touches to the line by ballasting and are getting on a pace, so should be to the terminal within a few weeks”. They also mentioned that the station buildings were almost completed. On 1st August, 1922, the railway was officially opened where it had ended at the siding of Briaba, and by the beginning of 1923 had reached the town and the State mine, the railway store at Briaba had closed down, the gangs had gone, cattle trucking yards had been built near Collinsville, and rail traffic travelled to and from the field daily. After six and a half years of back-breaking work, the mining township was linked by rail with Bowen. {mospagebreak}

Paid Its Way

In 1922, the Railway Department reported that with the opening of the railway to Collinsville all Northern Division coal had been obtained there thus making a saving to the Railway Department of more than was being paid in interest on the money borrowed for the construction of the railway. It also reported that the meatworks, sugar mills, harbour boards, and private consumers had benefitted. Output of the State Coal Mine had risen from 60 tons a day in September, 1922, to 400 tons a day in August, 1923.

And so, six words record the result of fifty-six years of ceaseless efforts by ordinary citizens who struggled to get this railway built, for in the official railway documents can be read: 1922, Merinda – State Coal Mine, 48.6 miles, opened 1st August.

Before concluding, let us look at the history of the line since then.

In 1943 the line was strengthened to take heavier locomotives. In 1954-55 £4,379 was spent on improvements on the Collinsville line.

It was reported in railway records in 1962, that despite fall-off in traffic due to closure of the State Coal Mine at Collinsville, often four trains a day left Collinsville, all steam hauled, the coal coming from Scottville. Regular banking was practised to Briaba, which has an altitude of 1,000 feet.

In 1963 the line was strengthened so that diesels could be used. The first diesel-electric hauled 1,240 tons of coal from Collinsville on 25th November.

Soon Mt. Isa was using 4000 tons of coal a week, T.R.E.B. 3,000 tons, the Queensland Government Railway’s 2-3,000 tons and almost another 2,000 tons each week were being used by other North Queensland industries.

The line was relaid in 1963. The terminus of the railway branch line was at first called Moongunya by order of the Governor in Council on 5th August, 1921. This name was changed to Collinsville in September of the same year, to be called after Mr. Charles Collins, the Member of Parliament for Bowen at that time. “Moongunya” means coal to the Aborigines.

Beyer-Garratt Class

Thursday, April 15th, 2010
Total Number of Engines Built 30
First Engine Built 1950
Last Engine Built 1950
First Engine Written Off 1968
Last Engine Written Off 1969
Number of Engines in Class on the Books as at:
31/12/50 31/12/60 31/12/66 31/12/67 3/12/68 31/12/69
30 30 30 8
Number of Engines in Class in Service as at:
31/12/67 31/12/68 7/10/69
2 1


The initial plan had been to use these engines on the proposed air-conditioned Mail Trains that were being designed at the time. This never eventuated, although they did regularly haul the “Midlander”, mainly between Emerald and Bogantungan for some years. They were used on the Rockhampton Mail and Sunshine Express in the early 1950s.

The first ten engines were constructed at Beyer Peacock & Co Limited Works in Manchester UK. Owing to the number of orders they had on hand, Beyer Peacock (BP) contracted Societe Franco Belge de Materiel du Chemins de fer, Raismes, France (FRB)to build the remaining twenty.

They were painted Midland red and had chrome yellow lining with large QR monograms on the sides of the front tank and bunker. Unfortunately this attractive livery easily discoloured particularly as a result of priming. The engines were not regularly cleaned when relegated to goods train working in latter years and their appearance rapidly deteriorated.

Originally trialled on the Brisbane – Toowoomba route, they were soon withdrawn from this section due to problems with limited clearances in the tunnels. They were used extensively on North Coast Line between Brisbane and Rockhampton. By 1956, this working had become restricted to mainly north of Bundaberg. They did not work north of St Lawrence on the NCL. On the Central Line they initially ran between Rockhampton and Emerald but from 1957 this was extended to Bogantungan.

A few were attached to Mayne until 1955 and some at North Bundaberg until 1956, when all were allocated to Rockhampton. In later years they worked Moura coal trains via Mount Morgan, prior to the opening of the ‘short line’ to Gladstone. One of their last regular tasks was on limestone trains between Tarcoola and Gladstone. Increasing numbers of diesels saw mass withdrawals of these engines. Twenty two were written off in June 1968.

They were subject to much positive publicity when introduced but failed to live up to all expectations. They were attributed with saving 19,500 miles of assistant and goods engine running on the Bundaberg – Rockhampton – Emerald sections between October 1950 and June 1951. Steaming difficulties were encountered with South Queensland coals; however they performed well on Blair Athol coal. The boilers had a tendency to prime. Limited coal and water capacity caused worries. General overhauls cost about three times those for a B18¼.

They had a number of unique features (for QR steam engines) including Ajax air operated butterfly fire doors, Hadfield power reversers, speedometers and also flow meters; the latter being fitted to the class in 1955.The outer bogies and inner trucks had roller bearings but the coupled axles has plain bearings. Several engines received fabricated stove pipe chimneys to replace the original cast ones that had been damaged.

N°1009, preserved as a static exhibit, was taken into Ipswich Workshops in 1993 and restored to working order. Subsequently due to a leaking fused plug, it has been out of service for quite some time.

* Test weighing proved some engines to be 11 tons over this design weight with 11TAL

B17 Class

Thursday, April 15th, 2010
Total Number of Engines Built 21
First Engine Built 1911
Last Engine Built 1914
First Engine Written Off 1950
Last Engine Written Off 1960
Number of Engines in Class on the Books as at:
31/12/00 31/12/10 31/12/20 31/12/30 31/12/40 31/12/50 31/12/60
21 21 21 18


These were the largest non superheated six coupled engines to operate in the state. The class was introduced when it was proposed to increase the size of the Sydney Mail (via Wallangarra). They were originally used for this train and mail trains between Brisbane and Rockhampton. By 1930s, with the availability of superheated engines they were relegated to lesser duties. Four engines were attached to the Central Division during World War 2 and they worked as far north as Bowen. Upsurge of traffic during those hostilities caused them to again be pressed into heavy main line passenger work. In their final years they were restricted to slow goods and shunting trains. Like many saturated engines, they were heavy on coal and water. They were generally unpopular with crews particularly with poorer coals and heavy loads. Superheating was trialled on two engines, N°678 and N°610, in 1917 but proved unsuccessful, apparently due to problems lubricating the slide valves. Superheaters were removed when the engines were reboilered between 1929 and 1931. The class contained a number of unusual features. The safety valves were contained in a small dome mounted behind the large regulator dome. There was a large gap between the second and third sets of coupled wheels. One standard Sellers injector was fitted on the fireman’s side whilst the other was a Davies and Metcalfe combined injector and clack valve mounted on the boiler back plate. They were the first engines to be fitted with what became the standard QR whistle for the next 35 years. Scrapping of the class commenced in 1950 and the last two engines in service, N°689 and N°690, were written off in November 1960.

B16½ Class

Thursday, April 15th, 2010
Total Number of Engines Built 1
Engine Built 1918
Engine Written Off 1950
Number of Engines in Class on the Books as at:
31/12/00 31/12/10 31/12/20 31/12/30 31/12/40 31/12/50 31/12/60
1 1 1


Engine N°204 was an “experimental” engine in that it contained a number of unusual features. It was originally designed to burn coke in an attempt to reduce smoke nuisance caused by south east Queensland coal in Brisbane suburban tunnels. Coke burning proved unsuccessful and the engine operated burning various mixtures of coal and coke until the idea of coke as a fuel was finally abandoned. It was also the only engine to operate in Queensland with Southern Valve Gear and “Prairie” wheel arrangement. Other notable features were that it one of the first superheated engines and also the first to be fitted with a “wide” firebox. A new boiler was constructed in 1926 with a reduced grate area following the abandonment of coke fuel. The engine was originally fitted with the surplus tender from PB15 N° 411 that was altered to carry coke. This was later changed to a standard “C16” type to increase its potential range. The engine spent its working life in the Brisbane – Ipswich area mainly on coal trains. It was withdrawn from traffic in February 1950 as the post war engine shortage was being overcome and written off the books in September of that year.

Train Numbering Guide

Monday, April 5th, 2010

The QR train numbering system, in its present format, has been in use since the late 70’s. The first version was very limited. Mainly numeric but the letters A to F were used in the Brisbane Suburban Area (BSA) for second character only. Since then, it has grown to a very complex system that describes a train in great detail. With today’s train numbering system, a seasoned employee or rail fan will know what sort of train it is, what is hauling it, how fast it can go, where it is going and in the case of EMU’s, how many cars long. No other numbering system in Australia provides as much information.

With the exception of suburban passenger traffic, all trains are provided with a second identification, known as a “service” number. In most cases, the service number is the last 3 characters of the “Train” number with an alpha suffix that identifies the business group to which the train belongs (e.g. Q301/301T – ‘T’ = Traveltrain). At present, control software does not support the use of 5 character train numbers but this is being worked on. When complete, the service number will disappear and 5 character train numbers will be introduced. Some train numbers you might hear might be – 1119C, 0FB9Z, C742X, 9Y32M or M594H. So here we go with a character by character description of the QR Train Numbering system.

1st Number designation

0 Diesel-hauled Infrastructure Work Train
1 6 car EMU, SMU or HS/SMU in revenue service
2 EMU/SMU/IMU/ICE empty cars (any length)
3 Diesel-hauled passenger train in revenue service; max 80km/h
4 Diesel-hauled empty coaches
5 Railmotor in revenue service
6 Diesel-hauled freight train; max speed 80km/h
7 Diesel-hauled freight train; max speed 60km/h
8 Diesel-hauled freight train; max speed 100km/h
9 Diesel-hauled unit mineral train
A Electric-hauled passenger train in revenue service; max 100km/h
B Electric-hauled empty coaches
C Electric-hauled freight train; max speed 80km/h
D Electric-hauled freight train; max speed 60km/h
E Electric-hauled unit mineral train
F Electric-hauled freight train; max speed 100km/h
G Electric light engine
H Electric hauled or EMU departmental work train, tuition or test train.
I (Not to be used) – Too similar to ‘1’
J 3-car EMU, SMU or HS/SMU in revenue service
K Standard Gauge train
L Diesel light engine(s)
M Steam-hauled passenger train in revenue service
N Non-Revenue railmotor
O (Not to be used) – Too similiar to ‘0’
P Diesel-hauled passenger train in revenue service; max 100km/h
Q Electric Tilt Train (empty or in revenue service)
R Steam light engine or empty cars
S Diesel yard shunt engine
T 6-car IMU in revenue service
U 3-car IMU in revenue service
U Electric-hauled Coal Services (Pacific National)
V Diesel Tilt Train (empty or in revenue service)
W – redundant –
X ICE or ICE/EMU in revenue service (any length)
Y 2800 class loco hauled freight south of Rockhampton.; max 100km/h – see Note 3
Z On Track Vehicle(s) and some Hi-rail vehicle(s)

2nd Number designation (in order of code)

0 Bowen Hills/Mayne Area
1 Caboolture (Suburban)
1 Saraji mine (Mackay Coal System)
2 Townsville
2 Goonyella (Mackay Coal System)
3 Rockhampton
3 Peak Downs (Mackay Coal System)
4 Gympie North
4 Norwich Park (Mackay Coal System)
5 Beyond Darra to Grandchester (except Rosewood EMU services)
5 German Creek (Mackay Coal System)
6 Rosewood (suburban EMUs only, even numbers)
6 Beyond Grandchester to Toowoomba (all other traffic)
6 Oaky Creek (Mackay Coal System)
7 Beenleigh line (Suburban)
7 Moolabin/Clapham/Acacia Ridge (Freight)
7 Blair Athol (Mackay Coal System)
8 Cleveland (Suburban)
8 Fisherman Islands (Freight)
8 Riverside (Mackay Coal System)
9 Roma Street
9 North Goonyella (Mackay Coal System)
A Shorncliffe line (Suburban)

A Abbott Point (Bowen Coal System)
A Clermont
A Forsayth
B Pinkenba line (Suburban)
B Curragh (Gladstone Coal System)
B Box Flat (Brisbane Coal System)
B Sonoma Mine (Newlands)
B Clermont
C Corinda via South Brisbane (Suburban)
C From Corinda to Yeerongpilly (Suburban)
C Cairns
C Yongala (Gladstone Coal System)
D Darra via Toowong (Suburban)
D Proserpine
D Callemondah (Gladstone Coal System)
D Dalby
E Ferny Grove line (Suburban)
E East End (Gladstone Limestone traffic)
E Cloncurry
E Emerald
E Warwick
E Ensham (Gladstone Coal System)
E Ebenezer (Brisbane Coal System)
F Golding (Gladstone Coal System)
F Various destinations as determined by Control
– 0-79 Brisbane District
– 80-89 Rockhampton District
– 90-99 Townsville District
G Beyond Beenleigh to Robina (Suburban)
G Gladstone
G Hay Point (Mackay Coal System)
G From Maryborough to Monto
G Glenmorgan
H Boorgoon (Gladstone Coal System)
H Dirranbandi
H Hughenden
I Boonal (Gladstone Coal System – see note 4)
J Bundaberg
J Jilalan (Mackay Coal System)
J Jandowae
K Kingaroy
K Kinrola (Gladstone Coal System)
K Kuranda
K Springfield
L Cobarra
L Fishermans Landing (Gladstone Limestone traffic)
L Wandoan
L Yandina (Suburban)
L Laleham (Gladstone Coal System)
L Lake Vermont (Goonyella)
M From Cleveland to Bowen Hills (Suburban)
M Gregory (Gladstone Coal System)
M Mount Isa
M Mareeba
M Maryborough
M From Gladstone to Monto
N Exhibition via Brisbane Central (Suburban)
N Newlands (Bowen Coal System)
N Koorilgah (Gladstone Coal System)
P Barney Point (Gladstone Coal System)
P Pring (Bowen Coal System)
P Saint Lawrence
P Milmerran
P Springsure
P Airport Spur (Suburban)
Q Moura Mine (Gladstone Coal System)
Q Mary Valley Branch (Tourist Railway only)
Q Bowen
Q Quilpie
Q South Walker (Mackay Coal System)
R From Shorncliffe to Roma Street (Suburban)
R Roma
R Gracemere
R Callide Coalfields (Gladstone Coal System)
R Collinsville (Bowen Coal System)
R Burton (Mackay Coal System)
S From Shorncliffe to South Bank/Yeerongpilly (Suburban)
S McNaughton (Bowen Coal System)
S Boundary Hill/Callide to QAL Gladstone (Gladstone Coal System)
S Boorgoon to Stanwell Powerhouse (Gladstone Coal System)
S Sarina
S Charleville
T Theodore
T Phosphate Hill
T Stuart – Calcium (Limestone traffic only)
T Moranbah North (Mackay Coal System)
U Mackay
U Rolleston
U Beaudesert (Tourist Railway)
V Cunnamulla
V Biloela
V Dalrymple Bay (Mackay Coal System)
W Boundary Hill (Gladstone Coal System)
W Coppabella (Mackay Coal System)
W Beyond Emerald to Winton
W From Hughenden to Winton
W Wallangarra
W MacArthur (Mackay Coal System)
W Zillmere Area
X Exhibition Direct (Suburban)
Y Gordonstone (Gladstone Coal System)
Y Yaraka
Y Chinchilla
Y Yeppoon
Y Kippa Ring / Petrie
Z Exhibition (Suburban)
Z Gladstone Powerhouse (Gladstone Coal System)
Z Mackay Harbour

3rd Character – Part of the train ID or additional information

Mainly part of the trains actual number but in many cases, the 3rd character is used to supply additional information on the train. If the 3rd character is numeric, there is no additional information. 3rd character alpha codes are not found in any manual or text book. They are usually locally agreed characters and can vary in different parts of the state. Here are some of the codes I do know.

Pacific National Queensland:-

Pacific National Queensland freights use ‘P’ as the third character in the train ID to signify which trains they are operating (eg. 8CP1)

Brisbane district:-

NOTE – ‘a’ = Alpha, ‘n’ = numeric, ‘x’ = alpha/numeric. All descriptions have examples, except “work trains”.

Work trains:
0FBn – Ballast
0FCn – Concrete sleepers
0FPn – Pantograph test train
0FRn – Railset
0FSn – Spoil/sleepers
0FTn – Test engine/train
0FWn – Wiring

xDYn – Via South Brisbane to Darra (1DY2)
x5Yn – Via South Brisbane to Ipswich (15Y2)
xxPn – School train (18P4) (may be cancelled during school holidays)
xxTn – Extra service for special events etc. (1GT4)
xFXn – Exhibition Circular Services (1FX5)

With the new timetable, third character alpha’s are just a continuation of the numerals (IE: 0,1, 2 -> 8, 9, A, B etc. EG: 4 successive Airport trains might be TP97, 1P99, TPA1, 1PA3 etc).

Gladstone coal system:-

Boonal Loop:
EInn – Jellinbah coal (EI21)
EIYn – Yarrabee coal (EIY5)

Rockhampton district:-

63Rn: Livestock trains from Gracemere to Rockhampton (63R1)

There are many more around the state that I am not aware of. Someone else might be able to add to this?

Livestock trains:-

Livestock trains are represented by either a C, N or S as the the third digit.
eg. C0N0, CEC7, etc.

These represent the sector of the state the livestock originated from:-

N – Northern Division
C – Central Division
S – Southern Division

4th character – part of the train ID and direction

The 4th character is ALWAYS numeric and forms part of the train ID. In most cases, an odd 4th character is a Down Train, even for Up trains. The following exceptions apply:-


1. Where the 2nd character is ‘F’ (Various destinations), the 4th character can be odd or even, irrespective of direction. This is usually for “trip shunts” (7F30) and work trains (0FB9).

2. In the BSA, if a freight train changes direction to complete its journey, the Train Number assigned when the train entered the BSA is retained. (e.g. 6749 Toowoomba – Acacia Ridge freight travels in the Down direction from Toowoomba to Yeerongpilly thence in the Up direction to Acacia Ridge. The odd number is retained).

3. 2800 class loco’s are “Out of Dimension of Standard Transit (ODST – outside the rollingstock gauge) which is why they have a separate train ID. Oddly enough, if a train is NOT hauled by a 2800 class, but has one as a vehicle in tow, then the applicable train number is used (6, 7, 8, C, D, F) and an OOG Authority is generated for that train.

4. Boonal loadout serves two mines. See “3rd Character” for train number differentiation.

5. With coal and BSA suburban traffic, trains are usually numbered progressively starting from either xxx1 (Down) or xxx2 (Up) at midnight each day. For all other traffic, there is no real pattern to numbering.

That’s about it. Like I said, it is a very complex system but, once you’re used to it, it works fine! – Matthew Smith